Jessica Lynn Dies Of Cancer, Pro Wrestling Photographer

Publish date: 2024-04-01

The friends and family of a local woman who has succumbed to her battle with cancer is mourning her loss and remembering the strong, outgoing and giving person she was.

Jessica Lynn Girard, 22, died Thursday, with family by her side at L.H.S.C. Victoria Hospital in London.

Her mother Marie Girard said she was by Jessica’s side for the two and a half months as she began to decline. Jessica was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer Dec. 27, 2012 and has had ups and downs in her fight but always continued to smile.

“It was her personality. She never cried, she was so strong,” said Marie. “She was fighting, fighting, fighting. I’ve never seen or met anybody who loves life like her.”

Marie said everywhere Jessica went she left an impact on people and often made friends.

“All she wanted to do was be a nurse and help everybody and she wanted to prove she could beat this,” said Marie.

Ivona Bilbilovska knew Jessica since Grade 9 and said she thought of her as a sister.

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