Kane and the mask | WrestleZone Forums

Publish date: 2024-03-29
nothing will ever compare to when Kane first debuted, his first few months in the WWF were amazingly dominant and he really was a beast. After he took his mask off yeah he was a beast for a little bit but then just as before, he was put into some so-so feuds like with Snitsky, Lita, even the feud with Shane wasn't sold to me (a McMahon can go toe to toe with a monster?)

I'd love to see Kane with the mask again for a little while, even if it's the last few months to finish up his career. There are plenty of ways to do it have him lose the Buried Alive match, somehow his face gets destroyed ect. It can happen.

Taker turned a different gimmick then came back to it, Mysterio lost his mask but when he was in WWE it was treated like he never took it off before.. the same can be done for Kane. Just a big when and if it will ever happen
