What Happened To Construx Toys?

Publish date: 2024-03-22

Kids loved Construx for its versatility. As Hartford Courant reports, each set could make multiple different toys, so the same pieces could be used again and again. One example was the "Rugged Racer" set. With just one kit, children could make a racecar, an all-terrain car, or other custom-designed cars.

But Construx had a few issues that made them an awkward toy to sell. For one, they were sold by Fisher-Price, which is known for toys for preschool-age kids, like the "Little People" line of toys and accessories (per Mental Floss). Construx, however, were targeted at older kids, creating marketing that parents may have been confused by. Another reason was that people really liked Construx, but unlike Legos, Construx struggled to find repeat buyers.

In 1989, Construx toys were on their way out (per Hartford Courant). According to Laurie Strong, a spokeswoman for Fisher-Price, "It had been in the line for six years, and we felt that, as a product category, it had reached its height, it was on a downward trend, and we decided to discontinue it." Fisher-Price manufactured Construx through the end of 1989.
