Did Joey and Kariselle Get Married? HeresThe Perfect Match Couples LoveStory

Publish date: 2024-05-10

Fans eagerly followed the dynamic duo’s trip throughout each Perfect Match episode. What a ride it was, even if the couple was unexpectedly not named the winners of Perfect Match.

Ex-couples Joey Sasso and Kariselle Snow reconnected at the villa of hot singles at the beginning of the season for Netflix’s most recent dating experiment. There was a mixture of exhilaration and reluctance as they considered rekindling their passion.

“So, I met Joey in L.A., and uh, yeah. It was wild. He looked me straight in my face and told me he’s in love with me, literally said he was going to marry me one day, and I fell for it,” Kariselle said in a confessional. 

Despite a turbulent past, the two were drawn to one another right away and matched with one another repeatedly for the entire series. Kariselle’s heart finally selected Joey, even though Kariselle may have been temporarily persuaded otherwise by Chase.

Did Joey and Kariselle Get Married After ‘Perfect Match’?

Although things got off to a bumpy start—fighting, uncertainty, etc.—by the time the series’ final episodes aired, we were satisfied that Joey and Kariselle had evolved into the most reliable and ideal couple during the entire run. Only the two of them got engaged in the new episode.

“This was something that I felt was a really amazing time to give our relationship a real shot,” he admitted. “In the past, we had tried making it work, but it just never really matched up. I knew when I saw her night one that was the person I was going to be dedicated to the entire time on the show. There was no one else who caught my eye during filming.”

Even if they were a little taken aback after the initial fighting, they had come a long way, and everyone was happy to see that the relationship had improved so much.

The two did, however, live happily ever after despite not winning Perfect Match, but we’re not entirely sure of their current situation or whether their engagement is still in the works. The social media scene has been quiet, and Kariselle has made her Instagram private, leaving admirers to wonder what has been going on there.

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There are two plausible outcomes: either Joey and Kariselle are no longer together or keep their relationship private at Netflix’s insistence so that viewers won’t learn any spoilers. (I suppose Francesca Farago missed the memo?)

We’ll inform you as soon as there is new information about everyone’s favorite Perfect Match couple. In the interim, unwind from that romance reality show and prepare for another: yeah, Love Is Blind season 4 will take us back to the pods.

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