Cambridge shooting: Tributes to dad & son killed in 'organised hits' miles apart as cops probe 'cust

Publish date: 2024-03-30

TRIBUTES have been shared after a father and son were shot dead in a suspected double hit - as cops probe a possible link to a custody battle.

Joshua Dunmore, a builder, 32, died after being blasted at his home in the "lovely, quiet little rural village” of Bluntisham, Cambs., at 9pm on Wednesday.

His dad, Gary Dunmore, 57, was then killed just thirty seven minutes later at 9.37pm at his home in a neighbouring village of Sutton, just six miles away.

Two men, aged 27 and 66, and a woman aged 33 were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder.

Police recovered a white Peugeot 208 and a shotgun.

The body of the 32-year-old victim was removed by police in the early hours of this morning.

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One local said: “The dad [Joshua] lives in Bluntisham... The bloke in Sutton was the grandad [Gary].”

Cordons remain in place at both properties as a murder investigation is underway.

Meanwhile, emotional floral tributes at the scene in Bluntisham remembered Joshua for his "laugh" and "bubbly personality".

One addressed to the dad read: "Thank you for always being you."

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Detective chief superintendent Jon Hutchinson, of Cambridgeshire Police, said that officers made a "very quick two arrests in a hotel just outside Cambridge".

He added: "In the early hours of this morning we did a joint operation alongside West Mercia Police at which stage a 66-year-old man was arrested on the motorway by armed officers.

"Following his arrest his vehicle was searched and I can confirm we have recovered a firearm."

He said the man was in police custody in Worcester and is being transported to Cambridgeshire for interview.

He went on to say the "primary line of investigation" was that the incident related to a "familial issue".

He explained: "It's been widely reported in the media that this may relate to a custody battle. I can confirm that is an active line of inquiry for us."

You hear of shootings happening in the news in London or Birmingham, but you'd never expect it here

Bluntisham farm shop owner

The horror in Bluntisham unfolded at a £550,000 semi-detached red brick home on Meridian Close, a cul-de-sac built just two years ago.

A trampoline could be seen at the rear of the property that sits on a street populated by young families.

Kids left for school with their parents in cars this morning as police let them in and out of the large cordoned area around the house, which lies between Peterborough and Cambridge.

A local businessman told The Sun: "It is an absolute tragedy.

"I can't really say any more than that because it's not really my place.

"But what I would say is that they are the last two people you would expect to be involved in something like this.

"I have known them for a few years, and they are really lovely people.

"They are nice to deal with, nice to be around. You won't hear anyone say a bad word about them.”

A local farm shop owner in Bluntisham told The Sun the village was "the last place" such a horror could happen.

They added: "It is absolutely shocking for something like this to happen here. Bluntisham is the last place you would expect a murder to take place.

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"It is just a lovely, quiet little rural village with a couple of farms and shops.

"It is a real community - most people know each other. You hear of shootings happening in the news in London or Birmingham, but you'd never expect it here.

"As far as I am aware, nothing like this has happened here before."

One woman in the cul-de-sac could hear a police helicopter circling as she read her book last night, adding: "Considering how quiet the village is it's really surprising to hear this has happened."

Gordon Murray, who lives near two sealed off semi-detached houses in Sutton, said he saw police cars "racing down" and armed police shouting on Wednesday evening.

He said: "I saw the police cars racing down here. There was a lot of shouting. I thought it was an altercation or something. Then I saw the armed police.

"They were shouting something to the homeowners. That was it. I stood in the window watching."


The 62-year-old support engineer said officers later asked him if he had CCTV footage, and when he looked back he saw a white car that made two passes, and on the second pass the car stopped and someone opened the boot.

He said: "There was a white hatchback which came around and stopped outside, then about half an hour later came back and lifted up the boot.

"Earlier on there was another policeman with a torch. My son said he heard some bangs but I don't know if that was the car doors slamming."

Sarah Lown, who also lives near the Sutton cordon, said she heard three loud bangs on Wednesday evening thinking it was pallets in her garden blowing over.

She added: "I didn't think anything crazy had happened. I heard two more - it was bang, space, bang."

I saw the police cars racing down here. There was a lot of shouting. I thought it was an altercation or something. Then I saw the armed police

Neighbour in Sutton

Ms Lown said there were no sirens, "just the flashing lights" following the incident.

While another neighbour in Sutton, who asked not to be named, said: "People come and go from the property but because it is a rental we never really get to know them."

Detective Inspector Mark Butler, from the major crime unit, said on Wednesday: “Tonight we have launched two linked murder investigations following the shootings of two men at separate properties in the county.

“These events will be shocking to local people and there will be understandable concerns within local communities, however, we are treating the attacks as targeted and there is no wider risk to the general public.

“Our thoughts also go out to the family and friends of the victims. Specially trained officers are in touch with them and they are helping our investigation.

“Detectives are now beginning inquiries into how these events unfolded and we are appealing to anyone who was in either area and saw anyone acting suspiciously or a white Peugeot 208.

“Any information, no matter how insignificant it may seem, could be very important to our investigation.”


Anyone with information should report online here or via the web chat service and quote Operation Scan.

Those without internet access should call 101.
