Love Island USAs Olivia Kaiser finally breaks silence about Korey breakup

Publish date: 2024-03-25

Olivia Kaiser did a huge Q&A with fans on her Instagram Live on Tuesday and, as expected, a lot of Love Island USA fans asked about her breakup with Korey Gandy.

There is also the news that Olivia has a new podcast coming out tomorrow, and if fans want to learn a lot more, she mentioned they should tune in.

Here is what Olivia revealed about her breakup with Korey and other things fans asked her.

Love Island USA winner Olivia talks Korey breakup

Up until now, Olivia Kaiser has not said anything about her breakup with Korey Gandy.

However, Korey announced the breakup in an Instagram message, which Olivia said took her by surprise.

“I don’t think there’s ever a happy way to break up with someone,” Olivia said in answer to whether she was happy with how the public learned about her breakup. “I think all his words were super sweet. I just wish I was aware it was happening.”

Korey announced the breakup with Olivia, and while no reason was given, there have been some hints.

Based on an IG Live with Shannon from last week, she said that Korey didn’t cheat on Olivia, but that Charlie Lynch revealed that he did. It was rumored that Korey cheated with Florita Diaz.

Shannon’s comments could just mean that Korey and Olivia were never “official,” which many fans believed from the start.

One fan asked Olivia her thoughts on cheating and she had an interesting response.

A fan asked what to do if you learn a guy is cheating on a girl.

“If you know, first, I guess, tell her,” Olivia answered. “If she doesn’t believe you then that’s on her. I think people are ready to learn things like that when they are ready. This is a long topic. More than this video. We’ll talk later.”

Fans now will have to wait until Thursday’s podcast to see if she spills the tea on what happened with Korey Gandy.

Olivia Kaiser on Love Island USA

A fan asked Olivia if she would do Love Island USA again, and she said that dating shows aren’t for her, even though this one worked out well for her.

She also shot down appearing on other dating shows, specifically when asked about Too Hot to Handle.

Finally, she said that through everything, the OGs from Love Island USA are still all really close.

Love Island USA is on hiatus. Fans can relive Season 3 on Paramount+ streaming.
